Saturday, November 8, 2008

a little freaked out...

Yesterday afternoon, I was inside our apartment with Lola and the kids were outside playing with the neighbor kids. Suddenly, I heard a helicopter flying close by overhead. They were anouncing over a loud speaker that everyone should go inside their homes and lock the doors because they were conducting a man search. They then went on to give description of the suspect. I, of course, did as instructed. My kids went in to play at the neighbors and I watched, from our balcony,as about 30 policemen, firemen and EMT's converged on an apartment 100 yards from mine. I kept waiting and watching. Soon the police were searching all around and the local news teams all showed up. To make a long story short, one of my neighbors was sexually assaulted. She was entering her apartment when a stranger came up behind her with a knife. He came in, bound her and assaulted her. This all happened in broad daylight near a busy street. It's so scary! The police came by today to see if we had seen anything. I wish I had. Despite having a good description, they have not caught the guy. I feel so sorry for the woman. What a horrible thing to experience. It's been disturbing for all of us on so many levels. We live in a really nice area and I've always felt quite safe but now I'll be alot more careful. I'm going to get me some mace.


Isa said...

Amberly, WOW! I had no idea...I was picking the girls from preschool when this went down. Was it in South or Central Mesa?


Jaime Stephens said...

wow thats so scary... Glad you are all ok!

Lisa said...

How scary..I am glad that everyone in your family was alright. When we lived in CT that happened at our apartment complex. There was a helicopter overhead and search dogs on the ground. I didn't sleep well for the next few nights. The sad thing is that can really happen anywhere. We just have to pray that are families will be protected.

FJ Johnson said...

That is so Scary. I sure they catch him soon

Johnsons said...

That is crazy. I would have totally freaked out. I'm glad you guys are OK. I hope they catch him soon. Love ya girly.

Jenny Kapp said...

That is seriously a very scary story! You take care of yourself - and buy that mace!!