Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Luck

It looks like Lola's luck has taken a turn for the better! She didn't need surgery. Her arm is healing on it's own. She got this super cute pink cast. She's been doing much better since getting the hard cast and she'll get it taken off on August 25th. After 3 visits to Primary Children's Hospital I feel very grateful to only be dealing with a broken arm. Every time we leave I find myself in tears for all the kids we've seen there who are dealing with things much worse than a broken arm. I am grateful for our families good health!
This is Violet. She is Lola's gift from Grandpa and Grandma Welker. She has become Lola's new best friend. She has been programmed to say Lola's name and knows some of Lola's favorite things. Violet sings a song about Lola's favorite animal (an elephant), favorite color (blue) and favorite food (burrito). You would think this would make a child happy but no, not Lola. Every time Violet says " I like burritos" Lola screams "No, I like burritos!" or "No, I like elephants!" and so forth. Oh, what are we to do with this child?


The Burke Family said...

Oh how sad Amber :( We found out when my daughter had her broken leg that the cute little rub on tattoos work great on casts and we found little butterflies and flowers. It makes it a little funner. Good luck!

Jenny Kapp said...

So cute! I love her Amber attitude!

The Robbins said...

I am glad that you had some luck come your way.