Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ash's wild party!

Ashton had the best birthday party ever but the night before it looked like we were going to have to cancel! We decided to do a combined party for Ash and Lucy at my Aunt's tumbling gym in Heber. To get to Heber from Provo you have to drive through Provo Canyon and of course the news was predicting the "storm of the century" to hit the day of the party. We went to bed the night before not knowing if we would be able to go to Heber the next morning. The party was to begin at 11 am and when we woke up there was 9 fresh inches of snow on the ground with snow continuing to fall. Luckily for us it cleared up by 10 and by 11 we were on our way!

Lucy and Ash got more presents than 2 girls could ever need!

Ashton has such a good group of friends. They are all really sweet girls.

It was so fun! Thanks Aunt Bev!


Clay.Chayla & Lizzie said...

Looks like you had so much fun! Happy birthday cute Ashton!