Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Pinewood Derby

Kye competed in his second Pinewwood Derby this year. Last year, I helped him build his car because Todd was so busy. Kye did pretty well. He didn't win it all but he won several of his heats. This year, Kye was excited because Todd helped him build his car. It looked pretty cool when they were done but unfortunately Kye lost every single race. Yep, last place every time! When I told my mother-in-law she said that she dreaded the Pinewood Derby every year because inevitably Todd always had the slowest car. It must be in the Welker men's blood!
Despite having such a slow car, Kye had a great attitude and didn't let it get him down!

I made all the boys "gas tanks" out of juice boxes.


Janene Christensen said...

Ohh...Amber I have 2 boys participating in the pine wood durby's every year and 2 more boys coming up right behind them. Mark and I hate it. The dad's are crazy and it's like their life depends on their car being the best! We get a good laugh though! My boys cars always end up somewhere in the middle. As long as they like doing it and enjoy it than I guess it's good! Good for you two and doing scouts together, it's a hard calling!