Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've caught the fever!

The latest addition to my Dad's car collection. His Dodge Challenger. (I can't remember the year. How can I keep track of all of them?)

My dad put all 4 of his cars in the Labor day car show. He needed us to help him drive them down to the show. Todd drove the AMX. It has a racing clutch and Todd drove it perfectly. Yeah, he's pretty much amazing at everything!
I got to drive the 1970 GTX. Ash rode with me. It was such a rush. When I told my mom how much I loved it she said "So you've caught the fever?". Yeah, I have! The best part is everyone we passed yelled and hollered and those with mullets went really crazy. When it came time to come home there were a bunch of guys standing around salivating over the cars. I got in and my dad told me to push the gas down about half way and then start it. I did and it didn't start so I tried again this time giving it more gas. I gave it a little to much gas and it roared to life. I think they could hear it all the way in Spanish Fork. At least I did better than my sister Emily, she fish tailed the Challenger all the way across the grass......Ahhhh, women and cars!
So the best part is that out of the 94 cars entered,the GTX won the best in show award. I think it was my magic touch!


xóchitl said...

well you look pretty smokin' in that car. i'm not surprised that a bunch of guys were gathered around checking out the car/you. i'm sure i don't need to remind you of how you got hit on at the temple while we were there for a primary thing? those guys had no idea you had a sweet husband and two little kiddos at home. HAHA! hilarious. but you're probably used to that by now.

Amberly said...

Oh Xoch! The men at the car shows are ever so hot with their beer bellies, mullets and cigarettes. As for the temple I think they just talked to me because you had all walked ahead and I was the last one there! I sent you an email awhile back but I'm not sure you got it. I miss you!

xóchitl said...

i need to make sure i have the right email for you. is it still the aol address? send me another email so i have the right email for you:
i miss you too. i miss your cute fam so much. i want to squeeze that little lo.

and don't even be modest about the temple incident, i saw the whole thing. those guys were vying for who got to talk to you first. they were WAITING in the lobby. awwww....sad. remind todd of that story when he gives you a hard time. hehe;)