Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Buddy Walk

This is our sweet niece Addi. We went to Arizona last weekend to join her for the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome. Her dad Steve designed the best t-shirts and we all went to a park in Phoenix and joined many other families with Down Syndrome children. Despite being over 100 degrees, it was such a fun event. They had all kinds of fun activities for kids. The kids had a blast! It was such a great experience to celebrate these sweetest of all children. You can't help but to fall in love with them.

The kids loved climbing the rock wall. Thanks Uncle Cody for being teaching them. They were the fastest kids up that wall!

Team Addi


Angie H. said...

What a great opertunity and what great family support. Looks like a good time! Your niece Addi is so adorable, who wouldn't love her?!

The Henderson Family said...

What a great opportunity and what a sweet little baby! She's a cutie!!