Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to School

Ashton and Kye started school last week. They are both loving their new classes.
One of the kids favorite friends Aila. She is that rare friend who plays well with both Ash and Kye. We love her to death!
Kye's new teacher, Miss Flener. She taught 1st grade last year and Kye spent time in her class for art. He was so excited when he found out she was going to be his new teacher. It also helps that she is so cute. I think he may have his first crush.
Ashton's new teacher, Mrs. Thomas. Ash says she is sometimes strict and sometimes funny, just what Ashton needs!
PS Thanks for the beautiful blue eyes Grandma Cheryl! I love it when the gene pool works in your favor!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fashion Show

We had a back to school fashion show at our house. Ashton had us all sit down and watch as she modeled some of her new school clothes. She is such a little diva. She made me turn on the fan so her hair would blow in the wind!

What was I thinking?

My two good friends Amy, Jamie and I agreed to be in charge of our 15 year class reunion. What were we thinking? It was a TON of work. Not to mention that we've all moved out-of-state since high school. We had fun planning it and it turned out to be a great event. We had it at Jamie's parent's greenhouse. It's beautiful there. It was so fun to see our old classmates and to catch up. After 15 years everyone just seemed really interested in getting to visit with each other and all the silly high school clicks were forgotten. It was a fun weekend but I'm glad it's over!

The night before, our classmate had all the families out for a bbq at his farm. The kids had a blast!


Lola's first ponytail's. My baby's growing up!

I can't think of anything quite as nice as a summer evening in Utah.

The Collector

My dad has always been a collector of "things". He used to collect animal mounts. (Growing up I thought a home wasn't complete without some dead animals on the wall.) He also collects guns and horses. His latest obsession is old muscle cars. He has several of them. This is his first "finished" car. It is a '68 AMX (American Motors Xperiment). It is way fast! I think he feels 18 when he drives it. While we were in Utah he put it in the Payson Onion Days Car Show.